Sunday, July 13, 2014

All in All....

So, recently, I was made single. I'm not complaining or anything. Honestly, it's quite possibly one of the greatest things to happen to me lately. Most people don't see the good in a break up until a few days later. Here's my story.

I was dating what I thought to be a wonderful man. He recently graduated with a degree in Communications with plans to be a sports anchor, he ran marathons, he was kind, sweet, and understanding when it came to my busy performance schedule. He supported me.

Then, one day, something changed in him. He became less active, never wanting to run. He became depressed, angry, and uncaring. It was strange, him changing like this. The man I met in February was a totally different person by June. Soon, his depression shifted to me. I became unhappy with myself and my situation in life. I became angry, self-loathing, and unmotivated.  I felt unappreciated.

 Finally, I decided that I can not live this way.

I told him that we needed a break and that he needs to think of what he is wanting from me. Well, he turned worse once I told him this. I was bombarded with text messages that were filled with lies and angry words. I was called ruthless names, I was blamed for unfortunate situations, things that were not my fault. I gave up. I gave in and said enough.

I ended what I thought was the best relationship I could have had. It changed. And now I'm free. I am single and living. I'm happy.

Don't live in a relationship simply because you feel it can't get any better than what you have. You deserve better. Don't live in a relationship where you feel unloved, unappreciated, or defeated. Stand up and take your life into your own hands. Fight for your right to be with who you are and don't let someone else change that.

Go to to talk to an advocate for the National Domestic Abuse Hotline.

Don't live in fear. Rise up and breathe.

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